Pictured from left to right post lunch are Prof Chris Bridle, Prof Sara Owen, Prof Supat Sinawat and Prof Niro Siriwardena.
On the 2nd of April Professor Bridle visited Thailand to sign a Memorandum of Understanding between the Lincoln Institute for Health, University of Lincoln and the Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University (KKU). The Faculty of Medicine at Khon Kaen University is a world-class medical school with 1,696 undergraduate medical students, 143 Master’s students, 148 Doctoral students. It has several internationally recognised research centres of excellence including the Research and Diagnostic Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases. During his trip to KKU Professor Bridle discussed several areas for meaningful collaborations and was also treated to some of Thailand’s finest Cuisine and a trip to Thamma Uttayan Buddist Park! Following this we are now pleased to welcome Prof Supat Sinawat who is visiting with us here at Lincoln to continue discussions around identified areas for collaboration and student and staff exchange activities.