LIH Research Development Seminar
Wednesday 15th of June 2016 (revised date)
David Chiddick Building, BL1102 (1200-1400*)
Lincolnshire joint research agenda:
Effect of physical activity on diabetic retinopathy
Dr Ffion Curtis
Retinopathy (eye disease) is a common complication of diabetes. Worldwide it is estimated that there are approximately 93 million people with diabetic retinopathy, and it is the most common cause of blindness among people of working age in the UK. Guidance in relation to preventing retinopathy includes: maintaining tight blood glucose control, losing excess weight and following a healthy eating plan. Whilst exercise is considered a cornerstone of diabetes management there is no guidance in relation to exercise and retinopathy. Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise generates functional improvements on cutaneous microvascular activity, both acute and chronic in nature. Less is known about the effectiveness of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise on microvascular function within the retina. Working alongside the Lincolnshire Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Service we are developing a research proposal to explore the effect of exercise on diabetic retinopathy. During this seminar I will be reporting findings from an ongoing scoping exercise and discussing study design issues. This seminar will be relevant to those interested in diabetes and lifestyle interventions, and colleagues from social, behavioural, computer and biological sciences.
* 1200-1250 Presentation, with Q&A
1250-1310 Refreshments
1310-1400 Discussion and action planning